Magsaysay center for Hospitality and Culinary arts

MIHCA is a company which handles a lot of famous cruises in the world. One of the best cruise crew recruiters and training company for potential cruise employees. They cater in wide industry of Hospitality manangement. They did a seminar for us, to know some of the things related to cruises and job opportunities for the ones who want to work in cruise. As a tourism student, I wanna thank MIHCA and Sir Alvin for the warm welcome and for the knowledge. I really hope that I could come back to the company not as a student but a potential employees for Mihca company. They handle the sand cruises here in the philippines 'a corrigidor excursion' every day they get tourist in pasay port for the corrigidor excursion.

MIHCA stands for 'Magsaysay Institute of  Hospitality and Culinary arts'


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