Foodie Mania: Mark Gososo 'Foodtrailph'

Do you love food? Do you love taking photos? Do you take photos of the food you eat? Its was all over the gram, food photography are good on your instagram feed. I'm not good at photography at all because my sister always takes my OOTD and my flatlays (She's good at it haha), So I attended this event to know more about photography itself and food photography. I wanted to take food photos that I can post on my gram that suits for my feed. SM City Baliuag invited the Food and Travel Blogger Mark Gososo of Foodtrailph, this event is part of the SM North Luzon Food Mania. I did flatlay before but I didnt take masteral in  Food photography thats why I didnt know anything about food photography. Now that Mark Gososo have given a lot of advice in the event, I'm confident that I can take photos of food and post it on my gram. I have learned alot because of that event! Powweer! Thanks to SM City Baliuag and to Mark Gososo of Foodtrailph

Mark Gososo blog:
Instagram: @foodtrailph

I had a priviledge to talk to Mark Gososo for a minute, He's into vlogging also and travel blogs. 

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